
Glen Ellyn CBD Improvements: Phase II

On Monday, September 23 the Village Board approved the contract to move forward with the Central Business District…

Upcoming Village Board Workshop

The Village Board is set to continue discussions on this project at the Monday, March 4 Special Village…

What I LOVE about Glen Ellyn…

In late January, we met with 100+ locals to ask their ideas and learn where their priorities lie…

Scenes from the 1.26 Design Workshop Take a look at last month’s Design Workshop planned in collaboration with the Village, MUSE Community +…

1.26 Design Workshop

On Saturday, January 26th, the Village of Glen Ellyn, together with MUSE Community + Design and Civiltech Engineering,…

1.26 Design Downtown Glen Ellyn Workshop

January 26th 10am – 2pm Fire Station #1 (524 Pennsylvania Ave.) Join us at Fire Station #1 on…

State of Downtown Meeting

Downtown business representatives and other stakeholders convened on October 24th to hear about the many exciting improvements coming…

How do you shop local?

The holidays are a busy time for Glen Ellyn’s many boutiques, cafes, restaurants, and other locally-owned businesses as…

Downtown Walking Tour

To help kick off the Village’s streetscape improvement project, Village staff, the consultant team, and the Steering Committee…





